The worst job I ever had…


Many of you know I have had some really shit jobs. I have failed at many things.

For a short while, I worked in boiler room sales for a penny stock brokerage. I would be hammering out 300 calls a day and getting only 6 or 10 leads. We had a terrible script we had to read. Then we had to high pressure sell people into high-risk stocks.


All the stocks sucked. Not one made any money.

I was really young and naive. I wanted to be s stockbroker. The truth was I had no idea what it was going to be like. It did not take long for me to realize that the company I was working for was ripping people off.

I asked the managers there what the deal was. What followed was just basically them telling me that I needed to think long term and I was too new to see the big picture. Then I was pressured back to my phone to make calls all day long.

I stopped and looked around at the “veteran” brokers desks. They had HUGE client books of people who would no longer take their calls. They also have very thin books of current clients. Interesting huh?

So there I was in a room of 60 other people all hammering away on their phones trying to get NEW clients because old ones hated them.

I had one thought, it shouldn’t be this way.

I was really conflicted. I wanted to be able to tell people I was a stockbroker. it felt good to say it. I felt like I had a real job and respect.

What I really was doing was selling a shit product using high pressure and burning myself out.

It didn’t take long for me to face the facts and get the hell out of there. The stress was insane. The pressure to sell this crap was intense. The hours were long.

Worst of all the product sucked.

In the meantime, the management encouraged you to buy stuff even if you had no money. They ‘helped’ us get credit cards so we could get really nice things. The truth was they were getting us to get into debt so we could be desperate. Desperate people are easy to control.

After I realized that, I just could no longer pick up the phone.

I quit. My conscience could not take the idea that we were selling shit.

My credit was torched. I had bill collectors calling day and night. It took years to pay off what I owed but I owed it so I was going to pay.

It was a demoralizing time of my life.


I was determined to dig myself out. I took every job that came my way no matter how small. I had to make a decision about what to do in my life but in the meantime, I had to pay things off and keep moving. I was in survival mode and I WAS GOING TO SURVIVE.

I dug out my old carpet tools and started banging on doors to get jobs. Then I negotiated with carpet store owners to be able to sell their carpet and a really small markup so that I could resell it and make a good mark up.

Then I worked my network looking for people who needed flooring. I would go into people’s homes and sell carpet. Then I would install it. I would make money on both ends.

I learned how to price and negotiate. I learned how to focus on what I was able to offer them that no one else could. I learned when to walk away from a deal. I learned to sell when there was no internet to find help learning it. All trial and error… big on the error part! 🙂

I also still had no credit. That was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned to save up for what I wanted. I had no payments on anything. No credit cards… no nothing!

I started educating myself about hypnosis and the subconscious mind. I spent years taking ideas that did not work in the real world and recreating them so that they would.

I managed to buy 2 houses with zero credit using anchoring and rapport on top of the other sales skills I already learned through experience.

When I met Kim I was doing okay but she changed everything. it was like finding the better half of my brain and the creativity exploded. She was so much better at the things I was not as good at. Ok maybe better at just about everything 🙂

The question is this: Would I be where I am today if I never took that really shitty job and drove my life into the dirt?

-I might not have never learned that I can survive hard times.

-I might not have learned to sell face to face and what has to happen to get them to buy.

-I might have never looked at ways to improve myself and we may have never developed the subconscious influencing skills we have.

-I would never have met Kim !!!!!

No matter where you are now, you are not stuck there. You can change direction. You can get the life you want. The SECRET is to keep moving, keep learning and keep surviving. As long as you keep moving you will get there.

The next step is easy.

When we were learning this stuff we had no guide. We had to create everything we do. It took years and years to develop it and we are still changing and developing it.

You don’t have to take forever to master these skills. You can learn in MONTHS what took us DECADES.

Just imagine what that can do for you.

-More money by having subconscious persuasion skills.

-More time with your family because you can do more in less time

-Networking skills that make you more friends and get you more clients.

-The ability to create a new mindset that helps you achieve in EVERY area of your life.

There is ONE WAY to get this now.

In August, 30 of you will be in a room with us getting personal attention and learning how to:

-Set triggers and anchor in seconds.

-Have the perfect level of instant rapport

-Get the mindset you need to get what you want in ANY area of your life.

-Learn the persuasion strategies that are designed to fit the skills you will learn and how to make them fit what you are doing now.

-Make all these skills FIT YOUR CURRENT PERSONALITY. You don’t have to change into a supercharged buffoon.

Best of all we have made it easy for you to afford, with a payment plan that almost anyone can do.

Oh yeah, and if you hate us… 100% money back GUARANTEE on the training. Yeah, that is how much we KNOW you will like it.


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