Why is anchoring so POWERFUL?

Think about your brain as having two basic parts when it comes to behavior. You have the reactive primal brain that runs almost purely on emotion. It runs are a few basic survival drives.






If you can get one of these responses in someone you can drive them into almost any direction you want. Think about how many commercials you see that are driven by sexy images where they want you to associate their product to the feeling you are having when you watch the commercial. How many do you see that use fear? Fear of looking bad? Fear of being looked down on? How many food commercials entice you with images of great food that looks nothing like what you really get when you order it?

Why do they do that?

It is simple. The other part of your brain is the creative and adaptive part. It figures out problems. You can give it solutions to smelling bad to not having enough food but for that part of the brain it is just data. This is why trying to convince someone with facts and figures never really works. In your mind you think that if they have the facts then the conclusion will be obvious. Even if they agree with you they just don’t do anything.

Facts don’t result in actions.

You have to engage the emotional part of the brain. It is the fuel that creates movement. Without it people do nothing.

Emotion is also predictable. Just getting someone to feel something does not mean it will be associated to any point you are making. You need a way to direct emotions and attach them to the decision you want people to make. This involves recreating that emotion and precisely timing when and where you want them to feel it.

Imagine having a trigger that would make someone feel an emotion any time you used it?

So here is the scenario:

You talk about something that get someone into any good feeling.

You set a trigger for that feeling and they go back to that feeling every time you fire the trigger.

Now you want them to do something.

“We have taken a look at some things and I think you will agree that it is a good solution”

                                                                                         (Fire trigger……………………………………)

So suddenly when you say it is a good solution they have this good feeling. They are not sure where it came from but they associate that good feeling to what you are saying at them moment. What if you make other statement that have a bad trigger?

“I understand you want to think about making a decision and that could be a good idea.”

                                                                                                             (Fire bad trigger……………)

Now even though you are agreeing with them verbally they have a bad feeling about delaying.

What have you done?

You have tapping into the pleasure response the brain has for what you want them to do WHILE also using the fear response to stop them from taking an action you don;t want them to take.

Yes this is a VERY simple example but this is the power of this skill. Instead of trying to overpower people with facts or wear down their resistance you can just have them feel what you want.

Where could you use this?

Well just about everywhere but off of the top of my head… Sales, management, negotiation, job interview, raising children 🙂 , even getting a date.

I am sure right now your only question is… where can I learn this?

Well there are 2 opportunities to learn this life changing skill.

1 is in London in 3 weeks. It is almost sold out.

The other is in Clearwater Beach Florida at the end of August.

If you are only 1% curious you deserve to check our our site and see the results other people have gotten.
